What I stand for - Empowering Mums and their Partners

Empowering mums and their partners to make informed decisions, that are right for them without fear of judgement.

My Vision

My vision is that Women don’t fear birth. That they strive to empower themselves through education; and confidently trust in their instincts throughout pregnancy, birth and parenthood.

My Mission

My mission is to provide evidence-based information on what birth actually looks like. Judgement-free support to expectant families as they learn to trust their instincts & empower them to make parenting decisions without fear or hesitation.

My Values

Kindness, Compassion and Equality
I care about people, I value their right to be informed, I want to instill self-belief and respect each individual’s right own their experience. It is so important to me that I give back to my community and that I am someone who makes everyone feel as though they matter.

Driven by the numerous stories I hear everyday about women feeling pressured to make decisions that are not true to their values and beliefs. I respect every individual’s right to have an experience that is right for them, not one that suits the policies and timeline of the ‘system’.

There is no one way, just the way that feels right for you!


We don’t know what we don’t know. Information is absolutely power, being informed gives you confidence to speak up and empowers you to take control of your experience.

For most people pregnancy, labour and birth is a completely foreign experience. Many women know what they don’t want for their labour but are unsure where to turn to get informed.

Honest and Real
I tell it like it is. All the in’s and out’s of pregnancy and labour that your friends thought were ‘a bit much’ to share. This is a safe place to ask all those weird and wonderful questions, to receive judgement free support and guidance.

Do what you love. Do what makes you feel good. Being driven by passion means I give my all without effort. I am constantly rewarded by the positive outcomes the families I work with achieve.


Postnatal exercise for strength and DRAM recovery.


Why your body is perfectly designed to give birth