Postnatal Doula Support

Exhausted, confused, totally in love with your baby but wondering how you will ever go back to feeling like yourself again?

As a postnatal doula, I offer physical, emotional, and informational support to you as a new mum during your postnatal period.

Melissa Kate Melbourne Postnatal Doula. Melissa Kate sitting on bed throwing baby items in the air looking overwhelmed.-230.jpg

Are you wondering when the overwhelm will subside?

When was the last time you ate a nutritious meal during the day? Between feeds, nappy changes, all the ‘jobs’ you feel you need to get done – are you just grabbing whatever is in reach?

Being a parent is A LOT, and you CAN do it. Sometimes though, an extra pair of hands can go a long way to improving the day.

That is where I come in. I remember so vividly being where you are right now. I needed someone there at home to see how things really were, to support me, and to give me judgment-free advice.

After having my second child, I FINALLY understood that there are no rules, that I was capable, and I did not have to tick any boxes or follow any particular process/system/plan – I could do this!

And so, I began my mission to help women feeling informed, supported and feel empowered to trust their instincts and make confident choices, free from guilt and fear of judgment.


Words from Sam

"I felt scared to give birth before working with Melissa - now I feel confident and excited. 
Her postnatal doula support when baby arrived gave me the confidence boost I needed to feel like I could succeed as a mum”
- Sam

Prefer to chat one on one?

Book a discovery call by filling out the contact form