Are you ready to approach
your birth with Confidence,
Calm and Conviction?

Find out how! Both in-person and online classes


Are you ready to approach
your birth with Confidence,
Calm and Conviction?


Find out how! Both in-person and online classes


You can love your birth, with a little help from HypnoBirthing

You’re probably here because you already have an idea about how you want your birth to go. And you might be feeling worried about how you’ll manage the pain or anxious about what happens if things don’t go to plan.

I’m here to help you feel supported and informed. And to equip you with the practical tools and techniques to give you the best chance at the birth you want. 

So that you feel calm, confident and in control as you bring your baby into the world and navigate through the early days of parenthood.


Download your free guide to using Essential Oils to support your pregnancy


Hi there

I’m Melissa Kate - your HypnoBirthing & Postnatal Doula support  based in Melbourne

(aka your ‘birth bestie’.)


I believe that all births can be beautiful, that a positive birth experience is less about how it looks on paper and more about how it feels for the people involved.

Hearing a woman and her partner say “I can do this”, seeing the sparkle and determination in their eyes and knowing they really mean it, is an honour and a privilege.

My mission is to help women have incredible birth experiences that are free from judgment and fear. 

Want to know more about why I love birth?

Melissa Kate-4.jpg

Words from Simone

"Thanks again for all your help. The midwife's and my obstetrician actually said they used to bring in mums for the prenatal classes who 'smashed their labour' and they said if they still did it I would totally be one of those guest speakers as I just trusted my body and went with it."

There’s something else I want you to know.


You can love your birth no matter what it looks like.

You can love your birth whether it’s at home OR in a hospital.

You can love your birth whether it goes for 2 hours OR 2 days.

You can love your birth whether it’s completely natural OR it’s assisted
with pain relief and other interventions.


Melissa Kate loving your birth

Because loving your birth isn’t about ticking the boxes
or having a textbook perfect experience.

Loving your birth is about having the confidence, autonomy and support to make the right decisions for you, your body and your baby.

 Loving your birth is about being educated and informed so you can manage the intensity your birth and feel engaged in the experience.

Loving your birth is about knowing and trusting that your body is perfectly equipped to bring your bub into this world.

Let's cut through the noise of what birthing and parenting your baby should look like. So you can listen to your instincts and have the confidence to make informed choices — during birth and beyond.

Words from Sunita

"I must say the techniques I have learnt in the lesson have been helping me a lot to cope with a stressful situation which I was prepared for but nonetheless stressful... I can’t tell you how useful this class has been for me."


How I can help you

Explore my memberships & classes


HypnoBirthing Course

Receive expert tips for getting started, a checklist for your first year of business, and helpful follow-up links.

Postnatal Support

Monthly access to our growing library of online classes, training courses, special events, and 1-on-1 coaching sessions.

TENS Machine Hire

Annual access to our growing library of online classes, training courses, special events, and 1-on-1 coaching sessions.


Like to work with me?

I’ll be with you every step of the way.

Words from Kathy

"I loved the course. I would highly recommend to everyone and anyone to invest in doing this. I learnt a lot more than I thought I would about birth and the human body and what we really are capable of. The course also educated my partner and made him so much more comfortable going in to the birth and knowing how to support me and what to expect."